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UTIs 101

UTIs 101

UTIs are probably one of the most uncomfortable situations you can find yourself in. The constant urge to go, having next to nothing come out, and the burning sensation you feel when you try are just the worst.

Did you know UTIs are so common in the U.S. that they account for 8 million doctor visits each year and are the second most common type of infection in the body? Mind-blowing, right? Also, about 10 in 25 women will experience UTI symptoms in their lifetime. Period problems aren’t enough, seriously?

What exactly is a UTI?

Also known as a urinary tract infection, it is an infection of any part of your urinary system—kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most involve the lower urinary tract consisting of the bladder and urethra.

We’ve already touched on a few symptoms above but it is important to note that you don’t necessarily need to be experiencing symptoms to be diagnosed with a UTI, and you definitely don’t need to exhibit all of the symptoms either. One or two can be enough of an indicator. Here are a few of the most common symptoms you can expect:

  • Strong, persistent urge to urinate
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Red, bright pink, or cola-colored urine—this is an indicator of blood in the urine and warrants a visit to your urgent care center
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Pelvic pain, in women—especially in the center of the pelvis and around the pubic bone area

What causes UTIs?

A UTI will occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and multiply in the bladder. Some pool party, am I right? Unfortunately, they are more common among women than men and most women will experience more than one in their lifetime. We know, this is totally unfair.

So why are women more susceptible than men? Here are a few reasons:

  • Female anatomy—Women have a shorter urethra than men which shortens the distance bacteria must travel to reach the bladder. This one is completely out of your control but unfair nonetheless.
  • Sexual activity—Women who are sexually active tend to have more UTIs than women who aren’t. In fact, the peak of UTIs in women is often linked to this onset of becoming sexually active.
  • Birth control—Before you throw it out, the ones that increase the risk are diaphragms and spermicidal agents. If you’re not using these, it’s unlikely the cause of yours.
  • Menopause—As if this time in our lives doesn’t have enough coming with it. The decline of estrogen doesn’t just affect your uterus and vagina, it can also cause changes in your urinary tract which may make you more vulnerable to infection.

Okay, that list was kind of a massive bummer, but stay tuned because we will be talking about treatment and prevention options!

Knowing the symptoms and common causes of UTIs can help us seek treatment sooner, which is important because left untreated, UTIs can cause serious damage. Knowing if we’re more susceptible to them can also help us better care for ourselves. But also, we created a product for that! We’re super excited to launch our Urinary Tract Cleanse and Protect supplement! Our new supplement is plant-based with clinically tested ingredients that help soothe your bladder and promote long-term bladder health. Packed with a full spectrum of cranberry polyphenols and hibiscus which boosts immunity, our supplement is fast-acting and can be taken as needed or daily for preventative care. They say prevention is the best medicine and it’s much less of a hassle to prevent a UTI than to treat one.

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